Xmas Party 1999

This year the party was held at the new home of the NathanStein's. It started for Jan and I when we arrived at the site and found every parking place for 2 blocks taken. Turns out it was the tail end of another party a few doors down.

Now, since this report is seldom assigned, and I usually do it as an afterthought, I may get some of the events out of order, so bear with me. At first, there was the usual milling around and greetings. Some people only come to one or two events each year and this is the one that usually brings out the reluctant wallflowers. Our two newest members John and Chris were there with their wives. Steve and Carol set up the back tag game with tags on everyone's back. Try to guess what it says with only yes or no answers.

Most everyone was there by the time Louise announced that it was time for dinner. Ham was the main course this year with many side dishes among which were: shrimp, stuffed cabbage, potatoes, beans, potato salad, and many other things I can't remember. There were also some great deserts. Suffice it to say, there was plenty to eat with plenty of variety. Hats off to Louise for putting it all together and everyone who brought side dishes.

Before we ate and through the evening, Carol was taking pictures, so we should have some good ones. As everyone arrived we were given tickets for the door prize. After we ate, Robert (he says at Diane's insistence) set up a karaoke system and some of the sounds that came out were not meant to be heard by human ears, although some weren't that bad. I missed most of that. I had to leave, as my ears were starting to ring.

Eventually, we got around to the gift exchange which was handled with aplomb by the Fearless Leader. First, he had some fun gifts for his 1999 board, then on to the main exchange. Lots of new gifts this year instead of the recycling that sometimes goes on. One of the interesting gifts was a set of handcuffs with velvet covers over the wrist clamps. Carol and Rhonda handcuffed themselves together for a picture with Bob, and couldn't get them off. The key wouldn't work. It looked for a while like either Bob or Steve was in for an interesting night, but to their disappointment, the girls got them off.

Either before, or after the gift exchange, I'm not sure which, Jerry did the first half of his raffle events for the evening. Jeff Brown ended up winning a center storage consol for a jeep, but Jeff says he will get it to work for his Landcruiser. During the whole evening the tickets for the winch were in a sealed box and were passed around to be shaken by anyone who felt the need. After the gift exchange, the box was opened by Montego's dad Sherm who drew out Orijano's ticket. To say the least, he was a little excited. Jerry made a tremendous success out the raffle for this great prize.

By this time, I'm starting to run down. Many people in the club were victims of the flu, and Jan and I were right at the end of it, so we decided to leave. As we were saying goodbye, the dancing was starting, so who knows how long that went on. When we got home, I thought I could hear the sound of a bugle blowing from the direction of Gardena. Nawww, that couldn't be so, could it???
